Monday, December 21, 2009

All I want for Christmas is my new front tooth....

Oh's actually already in. Even better!
Last night Logan finally lost her first tooth!
At the ripe old age of 7 1/2 years!!
After about a month of complaining that it was
loose, it finally just came out. Her other tooth
had already grown in all the way, just behind
the baby tooth. So she looked a bit like JAWS
for a while! We are so glad it came out. She
was really glad that it didn't hurt. It was fun to
play tooth fairy, but a little tricky. I went to
lay down with Autumn so she would fall asleep.
Logan was already sawing logs, so I slipped the
tooth out from under her pillow. Then I went
of the room for a bit and was going to let Autumn
try to fall asleep before we put the dollar under
Logan's pillow. Then Logan woke up screaming that
her ear hurt. So we gave her some medicine and
sent her back to sleep. Good thing she didn't
notice there was no money or no tooth! This
morning she asked me if she could check under
her pillow! Funny gir! She was really happy to
find a dollar under her pillow and can't wait to tell
everyone at school!
The tooth she lost was the bottom front (on her
right side). The other one is already to move
forward now! Hope there is enough space for it.
It looks so much bigger!
More toothy shots!!


Nicea said...

Perfect timing. Now she can actually SEE her new front tooth this Christmas!

annie said...

yay logan!

happy birthday banana!

Shawn said...

Haven't you guys heard of pliers? Grandpa Stimpson would've had that thing out ages ago! Cute pics.