Monday, April 19, 2010

Daddy, you have your hands full!

It's a tug of war........

fly across the room......

wwf wrestling ring! An all out war going on around here!!
And daddy was loving every minute of it! You should
have heard him laughing!

Now he'll have 4 girls fighting for his $$. Or in other words this is the girls saying
won't have any boys, he can still "wrastle" his GIRLS!


Meg said...

So fun. Brian wrestles with Lyza all the time and I have to remind her that she cannot wrestle with others or be that rough with her friends. She considers giving a friend a good push as starting up a friendly game. We're working on that. :)

Holly said...

You are so right about the $$! Ha ha....That is so cute.

Nicea said...

Bwahahaha. Yep, he's got his hands full, all right, and more'n likely his wallet'll be empti--er with all those girs! Good luck, Daddy James.

annie said...

FUN! love that they were really goin for the wallet. bahahaha!

Shawn said...

Did they win? Did they get it? So glad James loves his little girls so much. But then again, what's not to love??!! Cute pics!

Carrie said...

What a fun and funny post! I love that they were trying to get his wallet. I can imagine him laughing about it too.