Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New milestones

Sierra did her first laughs this week! She was laughing at me helping her "stretch" and saying that to her as I helped her. She also does it when I lift her up in the air with both arms outstretched above my head and say "super baby", while shaking my head! Love those baby laughs from the belly!
She's about to roll from her back to tummy. She sticks her feet up in the air and then sort of plops them over to the side. It's so funny to watch. She just needs a tiny nudge to get there, course she hates her tummy when she's there, but I guess she just wants to know she can do it. She does end up moving all around while laying on the floor, even though she's not rolling yet. Just scooting, I guess. Soon enough. I don't want her to grow up so fast!! She will be walking and talking before we know it.


Meg said...

I so know how you feel! The belly laughs are the best!

Amy and David said...

I just saw all those pictures. She is such a cutie!! Great family pics too! And yes they grow up way to fast. Devin is starting to army crawl already. Everyone was in the kitchen last night but him, so he came in to find me--crazy?!

Nicea said...

Love me some good baby belly laughs! How darling!

Lesleigh said...

Jana, she is so adorable!! Oh my heavens! What a happy little girl! You are so blessed to have 3 beautiful girls.