Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Ghouls and goblins beware!!!! These scary girls are on the loose!!

If you want chocolate, come to our house!

Pumpkin carving time!!


Here are the girls at our ward party!
Lots of fun!

BOO!! Scary bat princess, Logan,
getting ready to go trick or treating.

Witchy poo, Autumn.

Logan, Sierra, and Autumn

The "loot"

It was sooo funny to watch them separate
everything out. I just can't believe
how big they are getting. Autumn was
a trooper, and wanted to keep going even
though she was cold. There was a huge
hail storm right before we went out, but
it only sprinkled a little rain on us for about
5 minutes.It was nice to have Logan lead the
way and help shy Autumn up to the door and
say, "trick or treat", and "thanks"! All in all, I
think the girls had a great time. I know I
was pooped!


Amy and David said...

So fun!!

Meg said...

candy candy candy CANDY CANDY!!!

Jana said...

Fun Halloween times. The girls look great. Kate loved Autumn's green face.

beckstarr said...

What a great time! Your kids looked so darling trick or treating, and even better up here! I love your new family banner pic. too - the Orchards are a great idea! So beautiful!