AUTUMN finding new friends! Yuck. I did not like finding this one in my kitchen, but at least she didn't try to eat it!

Autumn unrolling the t.p. in our bathroom

We had a short visit from my mom who was taking Kathryn back up to BYU Idaho for the new semester. We were so glad to have her come and see us! Come back again soon mom!

This girls usually eats us all under the table, but today she was more in a playing with her food mood. Can you imagine yourself doing this? Think about it. Orange face anyone?

Chow down girl!

She loves to play with the phone. We are afraid one day she will accidentally call 911.

We also had a visit from our former next door neighbors, Garrett and Deedra and their CUTE little boy, Tayson! We miss them, and had lots of fun catching up with them at one of our favorite local mexican places.

James and Jana at the Childrens Parade they put on the saturday before Labor Day. It lasted about all of 5 minutes as kids walked by. James and Logan went to the Grand Payson Onion Days Parade on Labor Day, but it was pretty much totally rained out. Darn. Maybe next year!

We got to enjoy a few carnival rides on friday night. It's family night then, so it's a lot cheaper! We had fun watching the girls together, and watching Logan get a little daring!

Daddy and his girls on the carousel ride!

Logan is third in from the left. She was screaming, but she had fun!
Choo Choo! The train broke down right at the end, so the got a push the last little bit. Still fun!

Me and Logan on the ferris wheel! It was a little freaky at first, but I had to stay calm for Logan!
I hope to keep you all a little more posted in the days to come!