I guess it's time for a quick update! Halloween was great! The kids all had a lot of fun and we enjoyed going to our old neighborhood and visting our friends there.

I forgot to take my camera for thanksgiving, but we were able to go to Bren and Krista's in Boise. We had a blast! They were wonderful hosts, and we can't wait to go again, or have them come down and see our new place. We are just glad to have them close by now!
Christmas eve= craziest day ever, every year. It's certainly not a relaxing day to have a birthday. I worked that day from 10-6 and then came home to a house decorated by James and the girls all birthday style! So fun! They bought me Cafe Rio and we had a delicious lemon chiffon cake that I told James I wouldn't mind having. He is such a wonderful man. SOOO grateful every day for him and what he does for us.
Immediately following the cake and presents, it's Christmas eve time! Girls open their pj's and then the bedtime routine starts! Then Santa time starts. Wow, what a lot of work, but still worth it.

Christmas was a sweet day. I can't believe how the years just fly by and I want my kids to stay little forever. It breaks my heart how fast it has already gone, I cherish these moments. James and I have such a fun time watching them, and seeing how excited they are to give to each other and to us too. It's so fun and brings us so much joy. This Christmas was especially different with what had just happened 11 days prior. I cannot fathom the heartache of the families who lost their little ones that day. I am so grateful for my kids and I can't express it enough. I only hope I can show them how much I love them by being a better mother. Each day better than the last. Life is short and I don't want to take anything for granted. I hope my friends and family know how much I love them! Thanks you all for being in our lives. We are thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and we recognize how blessed we have been in our lives. We hope you feel this love and don't soon forget during the new year.

New years was quiet. There had been a lot of sickness during Christmas break and the older girls didn't get to do much, but James arranged for them to go to his brother, Ben's, for the evening since the rest of his family was there playing games and hanging out. Thanks Ben and Misty for having them. I worked until midnight and the kids were sleeping by the time I got home (thank goodness)! We are excited for the new year. We have a lot of fun projects we have already started on the house and it's fun watching it change into the house we want it to be. We are blessed. Happy New Year to all our friends and family!