Saturday, December 18, 2010

WHAAAT??!! No, no....stop it, stop it!!!

I tell Sierra to stop, but she does not listen! Why is the baby 6 MONTHS old already? Can anybody tell me how that happened? I'll tell you why. It's because she's our last. Man, I didn't think it would be so hard. It seriously makes me want to cry. A lot of my friends aren't done having kids or haven't started, so I seriously don't know how to deal with this. I am in uncharted waters here! Time goes by too fast now that we know we are done having kids. All you mommies who are done, how do you make it less hard to deal with? I guess I never thought I'd see this day, but it's here. Does anyone every really enjoy changing diapers, being spit up on, snot wiped all over the front of their shirt, etc? Well, I don't think so, but I am definitely enjoying every bit of her while I can. She IS my baby, and always will be. Now more than ever, when I rock her to sleep, I feel and understand what a miracle all 3 of my girls are. And I am thankful! My cup runneth over!
Sierra enjoys her binkie sideways a lot
loves grabbing her feet, doing sit-ups
rolling onto her tummy
taking baths
She is a joy and we are so glad she's our little honey bunny! She gets to spend her first Christmas and Grandma at Grandpa Heaton's next week and we are excited to watch her chew on the wrapping paper, instead of the toys we bought her! :)
I'm always going to be late on her stats now that I was late once. Can't have those immunizations too close together or they don't count. So we'll go to the doctors after we get back and have her all up to date.

6month weight 18lbs 12 oz (85th%)
length 27in


Amy and David said...

I understand you completely, but I have no tips--sorry. I ache with each passing milestone with devin, knowing this is it...

Carrie said...

What a cutie! I love her sweet smile and shining eyes!

Holly said...

Jana! I can't imagine least you realize how blessed you are and are trying your hardest to have the best perspective you can. I don't think there is anything else you can do. Sometimes I wish my memory didn't fade so bad....I already can't remember Hailey's face that well and it has only been one and a half months since she had to leave. It's so hard! Keep doin' what you are doin' and all will be well! Love ya! :)

Shawn said...

I feel for you having your last. But wait til you get grandkids--they are AWESOME!

beckstarr said...

I loved your anniversary post - and can't believe how much Logan looks like you in them.

And Sierra is so stinking cute. I love the bath pics!

I sympathize completely with the way you feel about being done. I don't even think we are done, but wonder all the time if we are - and I've had those moments rocking Liam to bed where I just keep him way past him sleeping so I can soak it up. I suppose the best way to fight that feeling is to think of the great family milestones ahead. And now I listen to the old ladies when they tell me to enjoy it, because before I know it they'll be grown up. They know what they're talking about!