We drove up to Rexburg, ID and back home today. Kathryn got up to BYU-I late last night. Mom had said a while back, she had a mattress she didn't need anymore (pretty much brand new) so she said if we wanted it, that we could have it. So we told her to send it with Kate, and we would go up and get it. Also we just wanted to get out of the house, and see Kate. So, what was supposed to be a free mattress, wasn't really free after the cost of gas, we really could have just bought our own. Oh well. The girls had fun with their auntie for a few hours. They were both really good on the way there and back. It was fun to see you Kate!!
Amazing how much has Rexburg changed since the last time I was there, probably about 8-9 years ago. The temple is beautiful too! And could you believe we were actually a little bit lost looking for Kate's place! She pretty much had to come outside and find us. The wind almost blew her away.......crazy people up in Rexburg who put up with the weather there!!
9 months ago