Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 Months

Yesterday Sierra turned 2 months! It's been rough. I won't lie. We've tried 5 different kinds of formula, 4 different binkies, 3 different bottles, and had so many hours and hours of bouncing, rocking, and shhhhhing!! The dr.'s said she has acid reflux and colic. I don't really know how I feel about the diagnosis of acid reflux, but we had tried the mylicon and gripe water and it wasn't helping. We think her two different meds for acid reflux have helped, but still don't know how much. Anyway, she's on soy formula now, and is finally sleeping a little better. Last night was her record sleep! 6 whole hours!! Of course, I only got 5 from that. But her previous record was sleeping 5 hours. I'm so sleep deprived that I've had blood shot eyes for way too long. I have driven with Autumn not bucked in her seatbelt twice now. I read the work "binkie" as "bikini" in a text, and couldn't figure out why mom wanted to send her an immodest swimming suit. I used James' toothbrush once (sorry honey- consider that our kiss for the day!) And the ground is constantly shaking and moving underneath me. I hope that easier days are just around the corner. I am glad that she is finally starting to love her swing too! That saves my back from all the bouncing and rocking. Not that I don't love to do that sometimes, but the other two girls need me too!! She's still a joy to have though. We love how she is starting to smile so much now! She's going to the dr's for her 2 month check up next week, so I will post some more stats then.

Cute half way smile!
Some things I've noticed about Sierra:
-still the hiccup queen (she always had them in the womb)
-loudest burps and gas you have ever heard (sometimes they
literally scared me)
-she is finding her fingers to suck on
-eyelashes are growing in longer
-her length seems a lot longer
-chunking out thighs and cheeks (love it!)
-she loves her baths
-hair starting to rub off on the spots where she sleeps
-loves classical music and paul cardall
-is the gruntiest, squirmiest, wiggliest baby i've ever seen


Meg said...

You sound just like me during the first 4 months of Peter! Everything for us just got better a few weeks ago. It's like turning 6 months flipped a switch.
So Peter had acid reflux. He was started on ranitidine and then bumped up to Pepcid, which really seemed to make a difference. AND you know he was allergic to milk and soy. Have they tested Sierra's pooh to see if there is blood in it? That is how they knew with Peter, and as soon as we eliminated those he was so much better. He was the same way though, tons of gas, huge loud toots, and every time he pooped it sounded like a bomb was going off! We tried gripe water too, but I didn't notice a difference at all, and we did the gas drops, and I think they help pass the gas easier, but they don't eliminate it. My aunt said to try this formula called Nutramigen. Peter refuses a bottle so we never did, but tons of people use it instead for their gassy babies and say it makes all the difference. It is spendy, but I think you can actually get a prescription from your doctor for it. We also tried this stuff called Colic Calm, and I think it helped, but I wish I would have had it in the beginning when it was at it's worst! It is pretty spendy too, but may help. A lot of nights Peter slept in his carseat to help keep him in a sitting up position, and that helped a lot with the reflux too. I'm sorry she and you have to go through all this! Peter no longer has the milk/soy allergy and is off his reflux meds. It is amazing the night and day difference, though now he is teething :) Peter lived in his little front carrier from about 2-5 months, and I also got a Moby wrap so I could keep him cuddled and happy next to me and still be able to take care of Lyza's needs as well.
I hope everything gets better, it will of course with time. Hang in there!

Shawn said...

Oh Jana, banana. I feel for you. Tanner was a colicky baby too but things did improve after a couple of months. Hang in there! Sounds like Megan gave you some good tips too. I love the bikini story! And the pictures!

Taylors said...

booo I know how you feel, we are a few months a head of the game but I would kill for 5 hours! Graham is every 2-3 boooo. I wish we lived closer so we could do this together. Graham is doing great on the prevacid... have you tried that? So sorry to hear life is rough... Did she just keep spitting up with the formula changes? Glad she is taking to the swing!!!! Good luck!

Nicea said...

Hang in there. I laughed out loud at the bikini/binkie mistake! My baby is a little collicky right now, too. And she keeps losing things. I think it has something to do with her getting married in 27 more days.

Jana Brookes said...

megan: we haven't tried that formula, but i have heard about it. i'm considering getting a wrap, but i don't know if it will kill my back, or be too hot. we haven't had her stools tested. i guess i didn't know that was an option. i guess i have some discussing to do with her dr on wed! where can you buy the colic calm at? our dr told us about some stuff called kid e col, but we never went and got it. it's only sold at gnc stores, and we just never made it there. i'm glad to hear peter is getting better. i hope it doesn't take sierra too much longer!!

shawn: shame on tanner for being colicky! j/k tanner! wonder if he will have a colicky baby for payback? i wouldn't wish it on anyone!

camie: sad that graham is still only sleeping 2-3 hrs. i hope he gives you more sleep soon. she is on prevacid now. first it was zantac, but we opted for the stronger stuff. we guess it's probably helping, but who knows? she's not been spitting up as much since we changed to similac isomil soy. thank goodness!!

neesh: hope your colicky baby gets better after the wedding! i think she will. make sure she's getting all those burps and toots out, and hopefully she'll be much better for blake! ha ha! can't wait for the wedding!

Meg said...

The Colic Calm I just looked up online, just do a google search for it. We actually have about 1/3 of ours left if you would like me to send it so you can try. The wrap did make me hot, but didn't start hurting my back till he was about 4 months and about 14 lbs, but he always loved being in the front carrier.
The stool thing. When I told my doc about how gassy he was all the time, she said it could be a milk/soy allergy and there was blood in his stool so that was that. We had him checked every month or so, and most babies outgrow it by 4 months...
We also had Peter on an inclining sleep positioner, I can also send you that as well, I think it made such a difference in how he slept at night. You know if they are on their backs with reflux it just makes it worse. Anywho, let me know if you would like me to send those things and email me your address :)

Jana Brookes said...

Megan: I was going to mention, we do have a little pillow we have her sleep on (it's actually a neck pillow with a blanket over it) when she is in her crib. She sleeps in her swing a lot too. So she's pretty much always on an incline. I'd love to try the colic calm if you don't mind! My email is janabrookes@yahoo if you want to email me your email address I will email you mailing address. My mom just told me she bought and sent me a moby wrap today so I am excited to try it!