Just wanted to show of my sewing skills to my cousins, since they are always showing off their wonderful projects! I slaved and slaved over these two costumes, but it will be worth it to see how happy my girls are to wear them. My girls are so lucky!
Wow, Jana! And did you even draw that picture hanging in front of the second costume? So talented!
you're the whole package, cuz. really, you are. i love the costumes. ironically, i end up spending 3X on homemade clothes than i would spend shopping a sale. joke's on me.
Jamie-I sure did draw that picture for the pirate costume! And I also designed the old navy logo for the hanger that the bunny costume is hanging on. What can I say? I have talented blood in me!
Sherry-Joke is not on you, cause your kids will love you for making their clothes/costumes! I am cold hard plastic (at the store-with my card). Maybe one day!
ok, i'm a dummy. you totally had me fooled and i was so impressed i was ready to pull all my holly hobby business off my blog and hide in shame.
you know krista and i only post stuff because we want to look better than the other, right? it's always a contest with us. i'm usually the winner, but don't tell k.
ok, kidding.
Yeah! I fooled someone! That's pretty hilarious. I got a good chuckle out of that.
You guys don't need to compete. You are both way above my skill level, so feel good about that!
I won't tell.
I can't wait to see those little girls all done up! I'm just hoping Tayson will wear his - he isn't a fan of his dragon costume.
Hah! Nice. I, too, was also that creative and bought Lyza bumblebee outfit from Target. Whoo! Hard work!
I'm with you Jana - I just mooch off of Elizabeth - the great costumes that she makes fit perfect for my guys. Isn't that convenient?
Actually, Samuel's costume was given to us by a friend. He is so excited. I will post pictures of the boys after I take some of them in their costumes.
Your girls will look darling.
This makes one more person you fooled! I was pretty impressed just like Lauren was. Oh, well. I still am. You're very creative and clever, and you can't fool me about that! Love Autumn's blue bunny eyes.
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